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by Colleen Meyer, LMP

I have always loved the water whether ocean or lake, stream or river. I love to be near the water. Have you noticed that the majority of vacation spots are near the water. Could it be that it is because we are made up of so much water? My favorite beach at the coast has black round rocks that roll with the waves, what a peaceful sound they make, I could sit there all day.

We all know that we should be drinking water! There are many reasons to make sure we are getting enough water. Lets talk about how water affects your muscles and your health.

Did you know there are more then 600 muscles in your body? That's a lot! We usually only think of the ones we can control by movement. But there are so many more.

Water acts a lubricant around your muscles and joints keeping them strong, healthy, and lubricated so your movements are smooth and pain free. When you have a weak joint then the muscles around that joint need to be strengthened in order to protect that joint. If the muscles around your knee, for example, get weak, you are more likely to injure that knee. Strong muscles also help you keep your balance, so you are less likely to slip or fall. Bottom-line, your muscles support your joints so you need to keep them hydrated.

When sweating during exercise you need hydration so your body can cool itself. Water can also help increase your energy for exercise.  Water prevents you from burning out half way through your exercise. You even lose water through your skin when your not exercising.

Water speeds up metabolism, so you burn more calories instead of storing them as fat. Dehydration makes the heart work extra hard to get the oxygen to the brain resulting in your feeling more tired.

By the time you are thirsty you are already dehydrated! So you need to keep drinking it as a regular routine throughout your day.

The climate in the Republic area is very dry so that increases dehydration rates. In the coastal areas there is more moisture in the air.  Of course it's usually raining there too.

Get yourself a special bottle that you can take with you everywhere. You'll be amazed how good you feel.