I went a long before attempting enchiladas because I could not find Flour Tortillas or Enchilada Sauce without objectionable food additives. So when I make them, it is very time consuming. To help out with this, I make the following meal plan to spread out the work:
Day 1, Beans and Rice and Enchilada Sauce (lots of left overs)
Day 2, Make Tortilla’s have vege burritos,
Day 3, Something easy like a baked potato and make some white sauce for it and maybe some cheesy sauce so there are left overs to make the Enchiladas.
Day 4 Assemble and bake the Enchiladas from all the leftovers.
Here is the recipe:
1 Quart of Enchilada Sauce (See Above Recipe)
8-10 Tortilla Shells (See Recipe Above)
1-2 Cans Refried Beans or smash several cups of well cooked Beans with some onion powder and salt
2 C. Kale or 4 C. Spinach- Lightly Steam for a minute or two
1 Raw Zucchini (6-8 inch long) Leave the skin on and cube
1 Can (4 oz) of mushroom of choice (optional)
1 Can mild green chili’s or Herdez Mild Green Salsa (optional)
White creamy dressing (Almondaise or Simple Mayonnaise)
Cheezy Sauce (optional)
Olives for garnish
Cilantro or Flat Parsley for garnish
Micro greens or shredded lettuce on top for garnish and health:)
Pour a layer of enchilada sauce on the bottom of an 11.5 X 7 inch casserole dish. Lay out your tortilla shells on a table and layer lines of refried beans (about 1/3 c. per shell, more or less based on your preference) a bit of greens, 5-8 zucchini cubes per shell, and other veges of choice.
Pour a thin line of enchilada sauce and green chili salsa (optional) over the veggies, if you have the cheezy sauce put about a tablespoon in each tortilla and then roll up the tortilla, placing it in the casserole dish. After you tuck 8-10 tortilla’s (depending on how generous you are with your filling) along side each other in the pan, pour more enchilada sauce over the top. I like to pretty much “drown” the enchiladas to where it will run into the ends of the enchilada and prevent the edges from drying and burning when it bakes.
Loosely cover the pan with foil being careful not to touch the foil to the sauce during baking. If you have a glass covered baking pan all the better. Bake at 350 for about one hour. Remove the foil for the last 15 minutes to try and get some spots of browning- just for aesthetics:)
Garnish with Creamy White Sauce, olives, cilantro, micro-greens or whatever you have or like:) Enjoy!

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