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Klondike Mountain Health Retreat began in 2008 when God provided a beautiful place in the mountains of Northeast Washington to serve as a health sanitarium for those seeking to regain health. 

Martin and Janelle Klein have been teaching disease reversal courses since 2000. Their joy is seeing people regain health and live life with renewed purpose and energy.  Martin is a Registered Nurse and Janelle is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner which gives the programs at Klondike Mountain Health Retreat the benefit of solid medical care combined with the scientifically based intensive natural therapies.

Your hosts, Leonard and Aldine Klein are known for good food, fellowship and hospitality.  They have a long history of caring for people.  Leonard  is a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor and Aldine is a Registered Nurse- a combination which nurtures both physical and spiritual health in the guests who come to Klondike Mountain Health Retreat.